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Welcome to the Curriculum and Instruction home page. This department helps guide the implementation of the North Carolina Standard Course of Study in Watauga County Schools. We seek to support teachers with information on best teaching practices, resources, and professional development as they lead our students into the 22nd century.

Browse the navigation menu at left for information on our programs, and see below for team contact information. Thanks for stopping by!

If you have questions for our Curriculum team, please email Phil Norman,

Curriculum Links

North Carolina Essential Standards

North Carolina standards for Arts Education, English as a Second Language, Guidance, Healthful Living, Information and Technology, Occupational Course of Study, Science, Social Studies, and World Languages.

Reproductive Health and Safey Education Objectives

Curriculum Files


Curriculum Staff

Brian Bettis

Brian Bettis

Director of Elementary Education
Angela Brock

Angela Brock

Exceptional Children's Program Specialist

Sarah Cardwell

Blended Learning Coordinator
Jana Dobbins

Jana Dobbins

Director of Exceptional Children's Programs
Wayne Eberle

Wayne Eberle

Director of Accountability

Kim Hall

Administrative Assistant (Curriculum/Student Services)
Meredith Jones

Meredith Jones

Director of Middle Grades Education
Philip Norman

Philip Norman

Chief Academic Officer
Alison Schleede

Alison Schleede

Director of Technology
Tierra Stark

Tierra Stark

Director of Student Services, CTE and Afterschool