Student Protection and Student Responsibilities
Student Protection
4001 Equal Educational Opportunities
4003 Translating Policies for Parents and Students
4010 Student and Parent Grievance Procedure
4020/7230 Discrimination and Harassment Prohibited by Federal Law
1730/4022/7231 Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disabilities
4023/ 7233 Pregnant and Parenting Students and Employees
4024 Safe Surrender of a Newborn
1720/4030/7235 Title IX Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex
1725/4035/7236 Title IX Sexual Harassment- Prohibited Conduct and Reporting
1726/4036/7237 Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Process
4040/7310 Staff-Student Relations
4050 Children of Military Families
4115 Behavior Standards for Transfer Students
4200-R/7270-R Responding to Bomb Threats
4201/7271 Injury Loss and Prevention
4210 Release of Students from School
4220 Student Insurance Program
4240/7312 Child Abuse and Related Threats to Child Safety
4250/5075/7316 Address Confidentiality Program
4270/6145 Concussion and Head Injury
4301 Authority of School Personnel
4302-R Rules for Use of Seclusion and Restraint
4329/7311 Bullying and Harassing Behavior Prohibited
4333 Weapons, Bomb Threats, Terrorist Threats, and Clear Threats to Safety
4334/5036/7345 Use of Unmanned Aircrafts (Drones)
4345 Student Discipline Records
4705/7825 Confidentiality of Personally Identifiable Records
4705-R/7825-R Confidentiality of Personally Identifiable Records (procedures)
Student Responsibilities
4202/5029/7272 Service Animals in Schools
4300 Student Behavior Policies
4300-R Rules of Conduct and Student Suspensions
4302 School Plan for Management of Student Behavior
4307 Disciplinary Action for EC/Students with Disabilities
3225/4312/7320 Technology Responsible Use
4316-R Student Dress Code Procedures
4318 Use of Wireless Communications Devices
4320 Tobacco Products - Students
Tobacco use by persons other than students is governed by personnel policy 7250
4325-R Random Drug Testing of Student Athletes
4330 Theft, Trespass, and Damage to Property
4333 Weapons and Other Threats to Public Safety
4340 School Level Investigations
4341 Parent Involvement in Student Behavior Issues
4352 Removal of Student During the Day
4353 Long Term Suspension, 365 Day Suspension, Expulsion
4362 Request for Readmission of Student Suspended 365 Days or Expelled
4370 Student Discipline Hearing Procedures
4400-R(2) K-8 Attendance Espanol
4400-R(1) High School Attendance
4400-R(1) High School Attendance Espanol
4600 Student Fees (policy statement)
4600-R Student Fees (specific procedures)
5027/7275 Weapons and Explosives Prohibited