6301 Classified Staff Bus Driving Requirements
6301-C Physician Certification of Disability to Serve as a Bus Driver (form)
7100 Recruitment and Selection of Personnel
7110 Information Provided by Applicant
7120 Employee Health Certificate
7505 Compliance with SBE Employment Policies
Employment Status
7425 School Administrator Contracts
7440 Assignments, Reassignments, and Transfers
7920 Reduction in Force: Teachers and School Administrators
7921 Classified Personnel Reduction
7930 Professional Employees Demotion and Dismissal
7940 Classified Personnel Suspension and Dismissal
7950 Non-Career Status Teachers: Nonrenewal
General Policies
7405 Extracurricular and Non-Instructional Duties
7550 Absences Due to Inclement Weather
7560 Permitted Salary Deductions for Absences and Discipline of Certain Exempt Employees
7650 Employee Travel and Expense Reimbursements
7720 Employee Political Activities
7800 Professional and Staff Development
7800--R Continuing Education Units Protocol
7805 Superintendent Evaluation
7810 Evaluation of Licensed Employees
7811 Plans for Growth and Improvement of Licensed Employees
7815 Evaluation of Non-Licensed Employees
7821 Petition for Removal of Personnel Records
4705/7825 Confidentiality of Personally Identifying Information
4705/7825-R Confidentiality of Personally Identifying Information (procedures)
Rights and Responsibilities
7210 Staff Involvement in Decision-Making
7220 Grievance Procedure for Employees
4020/7230 Discrimination and Harassment Prohibited by Federal Law
1730/4022/7231 Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disabilities
7232 Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace
1720/4030/7235 Title IX Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex
1725/4035/7236 Title IX Sexual Harassment- Prohibited Conduct and Reporting
1726/4036/7237 Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Process
4202/5029/7272 Service Animals in Schools
7280 Prohibition Against Retaliation
7305 Professional Standards of Conduct for Teachers
7307 Duty to Report a Criminal Offense
4040/7310 Staff-Student Relations
4329/7311 Bullying and Harassing Behavior Prohibited
4240/7312 Child Abuse and Related Threats to Child Safety
1325/7315 Confidential Information
4250/5075/7316 Address Confidentiality Program
3225/4312/7320 Technology Responsible Use
3227/7322 Web Page Development
3230/7330 Copyright Compliance
7335 Employee Use of Social Media
7335-R Approval of Professional Use of Social Media
7340 Employee Dress and Appearance
4334/5036/7345 Use of Unmanned Aircraft (Drones)
7360/ 8225 Crowdfunding on Behalf of the School System
5035 Political Activities on School Property
5070/7350 Public Records Retention Release and Disposition
5071/7351 Electronically Stored Information Retention
7610 Defense of Board Employees
7710 Membership in Professional Organizations
7720 Employee Political Activities
7730 Employee Conflict of Interest
Safety and Health
4023/ 7233 Pregnant and Parenting Students and Employees
7240 Drug Free and Alcohol Free Workplace
7241 Drug and Alcohol Testing of Commercial Vehicle Operators
5026/7250 Smoking and Tobacco Products
7260 Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens
7265 Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Science Laboratories
5024/6127/7266 Emergency Epi-Auto-Injector Devices
5028/6130/7267 Automated External Defibrillator
5023/6128/7268 Emergency Administration of Naloxone
4200/7270-R Responding to Bomb Threats