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Welcome to Watauga County Schools!

A wideangled photo showing the WHS playmakers on stage with their teachers Ms. Miller and Mr. Walker. Other state officials and attendees are in the frame taking photos and smiling.

The WHS Playmakers pose for a photo on stage after performing "Surge" for the State Board of Education and other special guests.

Pictured are two adults and one student in front of a stone fireplace. On the left is Assistant Superintendent Dr. Chris Blanton who is wearing a white and blue checkered dress shirt and green tie. In the middle is Spelling Bee Winner Lauren McCoy. Her brown hair is cut short and styled to where you can only see one eye. She is wearing a black sweater and large printed scarf. On the right is Meredith Jones who has curly brown hair and is wearing silver layered necklaces and a cerulean sweater.

WCS Spelling Bee Winner Lauren M. (Cove Creek School) pictured with Dr. Blanton and Mrs. Jones after the competition. 

Eight WCS art teachers pose for a photo together inside of an art gallery at Blowing Rock Art and History Museum. They were all smilies while attending a reception together where many of them had art on display in the exhibit.

WCS Art teachers proudly pose for a photo while attending the opening reception of the "High Country Visions" exhibit featuring some of their work. 

Two Valle Crucis School 2nd grade students pose for a photo before an on-camera interview with the Associated Press! On the left is  girl with brown hair in a ponytail smiling and wearing a %22Watauga Strong%22 sweatshirt. The girl on the right has long blonde hair with some curls she is wearing a navy blue sweatshirt with blue and pink flowers.

Valle Crucis second graders Addison T. and Saleigh D. were interviewed for an article by the Associated Press!

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